Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Here we go again...Democracy..blah, blah, blah!!

So yet again we prove to ourselves what a bunch of hypocrites our country is really filled with; The SC actually went ahead and banned screening any adult films on TV, additionally any movies with smoking scenes cannot be screened as well. I dont think the day is very far when we are a second China in ourselves, where there isnt any democracy, instead the governement tells us what to watch, listen, eat, whom to worship and of course what to wear. There is no denying we have been making steady progress towards this anyways, couples holding hands on the street are arrested, women who wear minis or shorts are looked down on, what else is left.

I see no reason why we should pride ourselves in being the world's largest democracy, instead we should be declared the World's Largest Hypocricy!!! At the end of the day that's what we are!!

Of course the PM doesnt seem to be doing anything about any of this, sure he has done a good job so far, but is it good enough?? Only time will tell......