Monday, June 20, 2005

Sitting in traffic....

So, as usual I have my blogging pangs, which seem to surface every couple of months or so.
Not because I have something important to say, or there are people sitting there relying on the information I give out, but it's more like this paranoia of being left out that drives me to do this. I have always been the kind of a guy who does things because I think this is something I must do, I dont waste too much time evaluating the practicality or viability of actions, if its being done, and I am not doing it, I have to do it!

I realised something this weekend, there is so much you can get done in your head when you are sitting in a traffic, no, no......not if you are a passenger, you have got to be the driver! You see, its strange but true, but the driver always has his own space in a car full of people. The driver has his own private universe, where none of the passengers are allowed, in fact they can't actually get in 'cause they arent drivers......I know, this may sound crazy, but offlate I have experienced this, and now when I think about it, I feel this isn't just limited to a driver-passenger scenario. the concept of maintaining seclusion amidst a crowd or even an audience is no more alien to me, in fact I feel all you have to do in order to build this universe around you, is do something everyone else isnt doing. Its controversial, I agree, some may argue that this would in fact attract attention, but somehow I feel the human psyche is to always keep a distance from anything that isnt orthodox. This may not apply to everyone, but its widespread enough to qualify as generic in my opinion.

My 2 cents for now, just a little cosmic spit from the depths of my ambiguous mind!